“Why is my dog vomiting?” That’s a line you hear most often from dog owners - it can happen on some occasions. Sometimes, it can also be a sign of something serious. Learn the causes of dog vomiting and find out when to consult your vet.
Your pup would ingest anything, no matter how distasteful it might be. From animal poop and toilet paper rolls, everything is on the menu. This can result in vomiting
When a dog is throwing up, it is typically a result of consuming an indigestible item but it can sometimes indicate an underlying health problem. When your dog starts vomiting, you may be wondering about the severity of it.
Vomiting vs Regurgitating
You must first grasp the distinction between vomiting and regurgitating. When the dog vomits, it is generally attributed to the existence of partly digested food in their stomach. They can vomit, retch, and heave, too.
On the other hand, regurgitation is the removal undigested food from the esophagus. It occurs particularly if your dog has eaten their food quickly. If your dog regurgitates food, it will appear undigested and shaped like a tube (shape of the esophagus). It usually happens after a meal.
Most Probable Triggers
Why is the dog vomiting? The most important explanations include:
• Dietary indiscretion – also known as scavenging or eating something they shouldn’t have done! This is the most common cause of vomiting in dogs
• A sudden change in diet or a potential food intolerance or allergy
• Intestinal parasites – worms including roundworms, heartworms, tapeworms, hookworms and whipworms. There will usually be a very heavy worm burden, however, before it causes vomiting
• Ingestion of foreign bodies – these may include toys, sticks or bones
• Car sickness and motion sickness
• Heatstroke – most often caused by leaving a dog in a hot car
• Reaction to medication or anesthetic
• Viral infection – such as rotavirus
• Bacterial infection – including leptospirosis, colibacillosis and salmonellosis
• Kidney failure or liver failure
• Ingestion of something that’s toxic or poisonous to dogs
• Pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas
• Bloat – most commonly caused by eating too fast or overeating
• Gastrointestinal disease such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease
• Other underlying diseases or metabolic conditions
When You Should be Concerned?
Usually, if the dog displays no other signs of illness, there is no need to be concerned. In the event that all conditions are met, contact the vet immediately:
• If you think they’ve ingested a foreign body or something poisonous
• You spot blood in their stools or vomit
• They seem to be vomiting frequently
• They’re continuously retching unproductively (i.e. there is nothing coming up)
• Your dog seems to be in pain or discomfort
• They’re demonstrating signs of depression and lethargy
• They’re dehydrated
• Your dog seems to be losing weight and have lost their appetite
• They have a temperature
If your dog’s throwing up as well as showing any of the signs above, contact your vet immediately. This could indicate a more serious problem such as a gastrointestinal foreign body or obstruction, kidney or liver failure or even canine cancer. With these serious diseases the key is catching and treating it early, so always be on the lookout.
If your dog keeps on vomiting, then see the doctor as soon as possible. They can assess the dog’s physical, behavioral, and medical background to find the root causes why your dog is vomiting and determine what medications are suitable. It's possible they'll even choose to perform a number of tests such as blood samples, X-rays, or ultrasounds.
Dog Vomiting Treatment
Due to the fact that there are several potential triggers, your vet can conduct multiple tests on your dog. Most dog vomiting is caused by gastrointestinal pain, but one way to fix the problem is to give them boiled chicken or fish and rice or sweet potato to consume along with any anti-nausea medicine. Intravenous fluids could be required if your dog is dehydrated. In extreme cases, the dog may need to undergo surgery and stay with the vet to make a full recovery.