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Pixiebob sitting


Pixie-Bob cats are a large breed and resemble bobcats in many ways, perhaps the most obvious being the short tail (although the tail can be almost non-existent, through short or can even be long). The body is muscular, the face pear shaped and the ears have tufts. The woolly coat stands out from the body and has a spotted pattern on a light tan to a reddish background. Most Pixie-Bob cats have black fur and skin on the bottom of their paws, tipped ears, heavy ear hair, black lips, and white fur around the eyes but with black eye skin. Most are short-haired, but some are long-haired. Eyes are gold or greenish gold. The Pixie-Bob cat is one of the few breeds that allows polydactyl toes (extra toes) in its standards, with a maximum of seven toes.

The need-to-know
  • Highly active and inquisitive cat
  • Sociable and dependent cat
  • Somehow talkative cat
  • Larger stockier cat breed
  • Requires grooming every day
  • Non hypoallergenic breed
  • Needs some out-door space
  • May require familiarisation before living with children

Pixie-Bob cats are said to be confident, social and active. Some are sociable, some more shy. 

Country of Origin: USA

The Pixie-Bob cat breed originated in the USA in the 1980s from wild looking barn cats and other cats which resemble a cross between a North American Bobcat and a domestic cat. The original kitten from the beginning of the development of the breed was called Pixie, hence the name. The breed came to Europe in 2001 but is not common.

There is little information on the health of the Pixie-Bob cat breed and no reported problems. Some Pixiebob cats are polydactyl – that is they have extra toes. In general encouraging extra toes in breeding is not recommended as they can cause problems.

Every cat is unique and each has their own particular likes, dislikes, and needs when it comes to food. However, cats are carnivores and every cat must obtain 41 different and specific nutrients from their food. The proportion of these nutrients will vary depending on age, lifestyle and overall health, so it's not surprising that a growing, energetic kitten needs a different balance of nutrients in her diet than a less active senior cat. Other considerations to bear in mind are feeding the right quantity of food to maintain 'ideal body condition' in accordance with feeding guidelines and catering to individual preference regarding wet or dry food recipes.

The short-haired Pixie-Bob cat's coat is easy to care for but those with longer hair will need more help. As with all cats, this breed needs regular vaccinations, parasite control and annual health checks.

While this breed is not widely recognised as one of the best breeds for children, all cats are different and with the proper familiarisation may still be able to live with children.

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